Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1: How hard could it be to read Shakespeare?

It started as a simple idea. When I was twelve years old I decided I would like to read all of Shakespeare's plays before I was 40 years old. And I would have done it too, if it hadn't been for the fact that I stopped reading Shakespeare somewhere around college. So, yeah, I'm kind of behind. But now my fortieth birthday is only a few years away and I thought, "What the hell?" I could do that. Let's do this thing. 

So here it is. My attempt to read all 38 of Shakespeare's plays in the 41 months before my 40th birthday. I, uh, hopest thou doth fair me well, or something. 

Oh hell, let's make it interesting. I'm going to read all of Shakespeare's plays THIS YEAR. 

But first I should probably find a copy of The Complete Works of Shakespeare or something. Is that available free online? I bet it is...I'll look into it tomorrow...

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